Sunday 12 August 2012

Dress code

Hello chaps!

Just to clarify, there is no dress code, wear whatever you like! cannot wait now, see you in a week! x

Thursday 19 July 2012


I hope that you've all got your invites by now, we had great fun making them. they're made of all our favourite pictures from 'national geographic' which Peter then spray-mounted onto card. So, there you go.

We've been asked by a few lovely people what we'd like as a wedding present. Well, Peter and i are lucky enough to have most of the things we need for our house and really just want you to bring yourselves, we can't wait to spend the day with all of our favourite people! so, absolutely no presents needed. However, if anybody did want to give us something we'd be very grateful for some help towards our honeymoon! Peter's Auntie and Uncle have offered us their apartment in Fuerteventura for a week which we've happily accepted, any help given will go towards flights and lovely meals when we're over there!

Lots of love, marilyn. xxx

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Hi! glad you've all got your invites okay. here is the website of the venue:

and there are two places to be married here, we are getting married in the Tythe Barn. The website has loads of places to stay but there's also a yha hostel in bath and a backpackers there's also a lovely campsite quite nearby if anyone fancies camping...

Also, one guest has already mis-typed the address and accidentally gone to this blog:  which i like. turns out they've been travelling a similar route to our world trip a few years ago. spooky. anyway, hope this is all useful!- well, the last bit probably isn't but apart from that!


Monday 9 April 2012

testing, testing 123

hi, this is here so that we can tell you things that wont fit on the invites. yes. x